Owners' Areas
Found below are connections to various documents, forms, or information which can be used by owners. To go to the main page of any of the sections, please click the blue text on the desired section. Some sections may require a password which should be given to owners, however if you do not have the password then please contact us so that it can be provided to you.
Found below are several galleries which showcase our property or projects completed from around our property.

The Calendar & Meetings page contains links to our board meeting notices as well as our recorded minutes from the sessions. It also contains a calendar which will contain any important dates relating to ownership such as the required date for timely fees.

The Documents & Insurance page contains links to our condominium documents, most recent financial reports, documents relating to our insurance policies, and information about our owner required HO-6 Insurance.

The Site Map & Forms page contains links to our available forms such as our Apartment Registration form. This page also contains our site map as well as links to our site plan and typical floor plan and elevation.

Photos showing the Kalanikai condos, solar panels, redesigned pool, new blacktop parking and roadways, and the lush gardens around the condos.
Photos showing the progress and results of the solar project that had begun in 2011 and was fully completed in August of 2014.

Photos showing the major improvements and repairs to the pool that were completed in 2015.
Photos showing the work that began on the cabanas when the photovoltaic solar system was installed.