Contact Us
In an emergency, dial 911
Contact the Resident Manager (Right Sidebar), one of the board members, or the managing agent (below), or use our online form to send in comments or questions.
Board of Directors
Bruce Gainer, President
Address: Unit 209
Phone: 541-270-0734
Stefan Buchta, Vice President
Address: Unit S205
Phone: 808-343-7125
Dana Lewis, Treasurer
Address: Unit 314
Phone: 808-331-1379
Sheryl Weinstein, Secretary
Address: Unit S204
Phone: 808-987-6578
Justin Haley
Address: Unit 106
Phone: 808-731-6459
Managing Agent
Cindy Kuhlman Low
Touchstone Properties, Ltd.
Phone: 808-566-4100
Fax: 909-566-4110
Mailing Address:
Kalanikai AOAO
c/o Touchstone Properties, Ltd.
Dole Office Building
680 Iwilei Road, Suite 777
Honolulu, HI 96817

Brian Kuster
Resident Manager, Unit 305
Kalanikai Condos
75-5681 Kuakini Hwy
(Near the intersection of Henry St. and Kuakini Hwy.)
Kailua Kona, HI 96740
PHONE: 808-430-0909
FAX: 808-591-2650
Email: rm@kalanikaicondos.com
Found below is the location of Kalanikai on Google Maps. Clicking the red pin and then clicking directions will provide directions on how to get to Kalanikai.