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How do I contact the Resident Manager?The Resident Manager is Brian Kuster. You can reach him at 808-430-0909 or by email at This information is also in the right column of the Contact page.
Who is the association's management company and how do I contact them?Touchstone Properties, Ltd. is our management company. Cindy Kuhlman Low is our agent and can be reached via phone, 808-566-4100, or email: More information is located on the Contact page.
Can I use a visitor parking space?Owners may NOT use visitor parking without specific authorization from the resident manager. See the Parking Policy on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
Can I have a pet at Kalanikai?Yes. See the House Rules and governing documents (Delcaration and By-laws) found on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
Do I have to notify anyone if I have a visitor?If your visitor will be utilizing visitor parking, yes. See the Parking Policy on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
What do I do if someone is parking in my deeded stall?If there is an unwanted vehicle parked in your deeded stall that you want moved immediately, contact the Resident Manager (RM) to request removal. The RM will have the vehicle towed immediately. See the Parking Policy located on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
I have a leak, or blockage in my plumbing. Who do I call?An owner is responsible for calling a plumber to resolve issues within their unit. If the required repair involves the common element plumbing, provide the association with the plumber's invoice along with an explanation for the Board to consider payment or reimbursement.
Where do I find the house rules?The House Rules are located on this site under the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
Can I rent my unit as a vacation rental?Yes. It is generally beneficial to an owner to tell the Board and Resident Manager that they are renting to vacationers. You must also provide the name and contact phone number and email for you property manager. If you live off-island, you must provide us with an on-island contact number.
Am I responsible if my renters violate the house rules?Yes. See House Rules on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
How do I connect to the WiFi?Contact the Resident Manager or Board President for connection information, including the password.
My mortgage holder requires that I carry flood insurance. How do I obtain Kalanikai Insurance Information?The insurance summary sheet and the full policies are located on the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page. Note that the association carries flood insurance at only the State and Federal required levels. If you feel that is inadequate, you will need to supplement that coverage with your own policy. Those policies are available through our insurance company and many others in Hawai'i.
What is HO-6 Insurance and do I have to carry it?HO-6, Homeowners Insurance, insures owners for damages that can occur to their unit that does not involve the Association, or to adjacent units for which they are liable. For example: A leak develops in your hot water heater while you are gone. Water runs down the walls and into the unit below you, damaging the ceiling, wall, paint, and the flooring. You are responsible for that damage, not the association. Your HO-6 Insurance would cover the costs of the repairs to your neighbor's unit, excluding any deductible and up to the limitations of your policy. Yes, you must carry homeowners (HO-6) insurance. The association voted to adopt Hawaii Revised Statutes, 514(b), requiring owners to carry this insurance. Failure to carry your HO-6 insurance, and maintain the coverage, can result in the Association placing insurance for you and assessing your account. This is generally more expensive than an owner obtaining their own policy. For more information please visit the Documents & Insurance sub-page of the Owners' Area page.
Who do I give my HO-6 information to?The easiest way to provide your HO-6 coverage proof is via email. You, or your insurance agent, can simply email a copy of your HO-6 Declaration page to:, or fax it to 808-334-0115, Attn: Proof of Insurance. You can also mail or deliver it to: Aloha Insurance, 75-5931 Walua Road, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. REMEMBER, this must be done annually when you renew your policy. Your information DOES NOT carry over from year to year.
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