Kalanikai Condominiums
Photos showing the Kalanikai condos, solar panels, redesigned pool, new blacktop parking and roadways, and the lush gardens around the condos.
Solar Project
Kalanikai started the process of obtaining a photo voltaic solar system in 2011. In August of 2014 we were fully online with over 1260 panels and a Net Metering Agreement with HELCO. Kalanikai was the first condominium association on the Big Island to install a system with the intent of 100% production.
Pool Project
Four major improvements and repairs to the pool were completed in 2015. The leak that had been ongoing for several years, leading to loss of many gallons of water through that time, was hunted down and repaired. We have had no other leaks and have conserved many dollars worth to water since this was done. The drain that had been filled several years ago was replaced. Filling the drain stopped the pool from circulating properly and caused a lot more monitoring because of it. This repair has been very beneficial to pool maintenance and safety. The light, which was also covered several years ago, has been replaced. We can now properly light the pool after dark. And, finally, the decking around the pool was failing. There were also many low spots where water accumulated and created cleaning headaches. The cracking and settling of the deck led the Board to approve the replacement while the other repair items were being done at the same time, ultimately saving the association several thousand dollars. The new granite stone work is a lifetime product and this should be the last time the association should have to concern itself with deck replacement. The new surface is beautiful. The pool has had new granite paving put around it. The project was completed in June 2015.